Wednesday, July 23, 2008

CVS $49 for $8.98-with a rookie mistake!

So here is my best CVS transaction to date.....I got 3 Revlon shampoos, 3 Revlon conditioners, 2 birthday cards, 2 body washes, 1 face cleanser and 4 trident gum packets. Here is the $$ breakdown:

  • 6 Revlons @ 4.99 each

  • 2 cards @ 2.99 each

  • 2 body washes 2/$5

  • 1 face cleanser 2.99

  • 4 packs of gum 1.49 each

Total before sales: 49.87

Revlon B1G1 -14.97

Trident B1G1 -3.00

Coupons: CVS Coupon -2.00, Revlon B1G1 -14.97, Trident q -3.00, and Card Q -2.99

End total 8.98!!! and I got 3.00 ecb and a $3/15 for next time! So I gues that means I got it for 5.98 if you take off my bucks.

Since I did this all in one transaction, I could only use 1 CVS 2.00 coupon even though I had one for each of the body washes. Next time I'll know better and pay for those in another transaction. That was rookie of me - but I was so excited I could hardly stand it and the cashier was SHOCKED! All in all though I am psyched and thank and for all the tips. My goal is to pick a deal next week for something other than shampoo, razors or diapers since we have an abundance of those.

Alls good in saving land

Well, since I last posted, I have scored some BIG savings.....I went to Jewel for Diet coke (hubby's main addiction), and low and behold there were the Yo+ yogurts on clearance for 1.64 a four pack so naturally, I bought four 4 packs since I had $1.00 off each pack. That to me was a great deal since we eat yogurt daily. I also went back to Jewel this week and bought 5 boxes of cereal for $10.00 and got a free GALLON milk. I only paid 8.85 because I had more q's. So I had a $28.00 savings on just a 10 minute trip. I am not a big Jewel fan, but will go there for just the deals if it means saving this much. I feel like a saving addict!! I think about what deals I am going to do for the week, and then can't wait for the day that I get to go. Some cashiers have been giving me funny looks because of how planned out my purchases have been - I say stare on!! I'm saving too much to care.

Walgreens today though was a downer because the must have gotten wise to the diaper deal so I walked out with no diapers and no $5.00 catalina coupon. What I did buy was Dixie plates B1G1 and I had .50 cents off of that, and more freakin razors......we can shave here until next July, and a detangler for the girls that I had a q for but sadly wasn't on sale. The total came to $8.85 and that seemed like a lot but you win some-you lose some. I'll post my big win separately from CVS. This one made my day - and the cashier too!!!

Monday, July 14, 2008

doing good so far!

Well, let's see.......since I last posted, I did the hot dog, bun and watermelon deal at Jewel (Albertsons) adding Gatorade at the last minute and spent $6.17 and had savings of $24 something. I also went to Walmart for school supplies, did really well on that and also bought my 2 sure deodorants for the mail in rebate using a coupon each on the deodorants. I also bought Honey nut cheerios and Lucky charms with the q's I had. My total was $34.82 and I had a total of $8.55 in q's. Friday I did the diaper deal again at Walgreens and with my 5.00 rebate back I bought a cute candle that was on clearance for the family room I just painted. Today though was my best at Walgreens yet.....I bought 5 powerades, 2 schick razors, 3 boxes of cereal all for $11.17 and had $23.60 in savings. I used 3 Powerade q's, B1G1 for the razors, and 2 $1.00 off the cereal plus the Powerade q in this weeks flyer, and the 2.00 off from the July savings ad. Not bad for a newbie!!

So for me it is really about changing my thought process since I now have more razors, diapers, and powerades than ever in this house, but I won't need them for quite awhile. Especially since Powerades are treats and we drink mostly water and juice.

I did do the math and added all my receipts and my savings......I was shocked!!! I thought I was pretty frugal but doing these deals has made me see that I can really pinch it if I pay attention to the sales ads, keep my q's organized and go to more than one store. So far since June 25th I have spent $140.00 and saved......drumroll please $104. and some change!! This total does not include the 114.00 I spent at Aldi on July 5th since that was normal grocery shopping for me. I hope to keep adding to my stashes around here so that next week when I go to Aldi and our harvest market I will only spend 50.00 total......that will shock the hubby!! I al;so took 100 from my paycheck and put it in an envelope that I hope will not need to be used until Christmas!