Wednesday, July 23, 2008

CVS $49 for $8.98-with a rookie mistake!

So here is my best CVS transaction to date.....I got 3 Revlon shampoos, 3 Revlon conditioners, 2 birthday cards, 2 body washes, 1 face cleanser and 4 trident gum packets. Here is the $$ breakdown:

  • 6 Revlons @ 4.99 each

  • 2 cards @ 2.99 each

  • 2 body washes 2/$5

  • 1 face cleanser 2.99

  • 4 packs of gum 1.49 each

Total before sales: 49.87

Revlon B1G1 -14.97

Trident B1G1 -3.00

Coupons: CVS Coupon -2.00, Revlon B1G1 -14.97, Trident q -3.00, and Card Q -2.99

End total 8.98!!! and I got 3.00 ecb and a $3/15 for next time! So I gues that means I got it for 5.98 if you take off my bucks.

Since I did this all in one transaction, I could only use 1 CVS 2.00 coupon even though I had one for each of the body washes. Next time I'll know better and pay for those in another transaction. That was rookie of me - but I was so excited I could hardly stand it and the cashier was SHOCKED! All in all though I am psyched and thank and for all the tips. My goal is to pick a deal next week for something other than shampoo, razors or diapers since we have an abundance of those.

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